JOIN THE O7C NETWORK! If you are a pastor, church leader, influencer, shepherd, or loving Christian neighbor, sign on with us and help us build a network of support for the Jewish community. By joining us, you will receive updates on the latest news with information to support the efforts of O7C.


  1. SPEAKERS BUREAU:  Various speakers will be available to come to your community.

  2. EVENTS: Community gatherings, roundtables, concerts, relationship builders and more.

  3. WAYS TO BLESS OUR JEWISH COMMUNITY: Join with other Christian congregations in education and outreach activities to create a unified community and to also stand boldly against antisemitism.

We encourage all Christian leaders to show public support for our Jewish Community and to speak boldly against antisemitism and to stay actively involved in loving our Jewish neighbors and friends!

© October 7 Coalition. We are a 501(c)(3) status pending non-profit organization.